Chasing the Sun Blog Tour: Stop #6–Joyfully Jay

Wow! The Chasing the Sun blog tour is half way over. How did that happen? It seems like just yesterday, I was jetting through the Internet on my fist stop, but here I am at #6. Time really does fly when you’re having fun.

Where am I today? Well, I’m over at Joyfully Jay with the always beautiful Jay and her many scantily clad man servants. Is it any wonder I visit there so often or that so many of them go missing after I leave? It’s purely coincidence I tell you! No matter what anyone else says!

Since I always have a blast at Joyfully Jay, I did something a bit different. Instead of writing a blog post or conducting a standard interview, I had the main characters from Chasing the Sun interview me. Let me tell you, Gil and Tom got a bit out of hand. Why does that always seem to happen when I let my characters interview me?

If you’re interested in taking part in the crazy, click here and one of Jay’s barely dressed studs will magically appear. He’ll lift you in his muscular arms and carry you over to Joyfully Jay. How awesome is that?

Also, the giveaway is still going strong. If you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win a free e-copy of Chasing the Sun. You can also increase your chances of winning by leaving a copy at any of my other sites as well.

I look forward to seeing you at Jay’s. I’ll be the guy underneath the sweaty pile of naked man flesh. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Chasing the Sun Blog Tour: Stop #6–Joyfully Jay

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