FCKH8: Valentine’s Day for Homophobes

FCKH8 has released a new video in time for Valentine’s Day titled “Valentine’s Day for Homophobes,” which I’ve posted below. You may remember I posted about a previous video about the “Top 5 Reasons People Choose to be Gay.”

Well, the folks at FCKH8 are at it again. If you like, share, and/or tweet this video, they will donate up to $5,000 to fight gay discrimination and anti-bullying measures. So, watch the video and if you like it, share it and help donate to the cause.


Equality and Love: Gay Marriage Documentary

This short YouTube video made by students for a course at California State University Long Beach contains interviews with various couples on love and marriage and what those mean to gay Americans in our nation. As one man in the video states, “We’re just people just like everyone else. Some of us are assholes and some of us are awesome. And some of us are just whatever. But what it comes down to is that we’re all just people. Just like you.”

(video via Towleroad)

Coming Out on Christmas Videos

Every year, gay men and women everywhere contemplate coming out to their family during the holidays. For many, the struggle is difficult and often heart wrenching as they wrestle with the consequences of letting the horses out of the barn. So for those people considering coming out, here are some videos to lighten your mood and to let you know that many of us have been there. For all my straight friends, enjoy!

The first video is from Funny or Die, and the main character is in for quite a surprise when she comes out to her family.

The second video is the London Gay Men Chorus singing about coming out to their families.



What Turns Most Homophobic Men On? Gay Porn!

Many of us have often wondered just what is at the root of the hatred some homophobic men have for gay men. They attempt to berate us, bully us, intimidate us, and flaunt their “masculinity” in front of their bros just to prove how manlier than us they are.

Well, as Queen Gertrude from Shakespeare’s Hamlet said, “I think the lady doth protest too much.” Their strutting and bully tactics have caused many gay men to conclude that these homophobes hide secret man on man sexual desires. After all, sometimes you hate what you can’t have the most, right?

Wouldn’t you know it, Psychology Today reports about one study that seems to prove just that!

In this study,

“heterosexual men [were asked] how comfortable and anxious they are around gay men. Based on these scores, they then divided these men into two groups: men that are homophobic, and men who are not. These men were then shown three, four-minute videos. One video depicted straight sex, one depicted lesbian sex and one depicted gay male sex. While this was happening, a device was attached to each participant’s penis. This device has been found to be triggered by sexual arousal, but not other types of arousal (such as nervousness, or fear – arousal often has a very different meaning in psychology than in popular usage).”

Can you guess what the results showed? I bet you savvy readers can!

Both the homophobes and the non-homophobic men sported woodies when viewing lesbian and straight porn, but when watching some good old fashioned American gay male porn, only the homophobes pitched tents big enough to comfortably sleep a battalion of men, something apparently they would be interested in!

So the next time you come across a homophobe, gauge how extreme his hate is. That should tell you just how much of a flamer he really is!

(Special thanks to K. for bringing this article to my attention! Smooches!)

Canada’s Gay Marriage Video

This YouTube video is based on Canadian Heritage PSAs about great moments in Canada’s past. This particular one commemorates that in 2005, marriage quality became a reality just north of our border. It’s 6 years later, and Canada hasn’t been set upon by plague, pestilence, or death. As the video states, the Marriage Equality Act was a “victory against hatred and discrimination.”

Congratulations, Canada!

Marriage Equality Video from Australia

Australia’s GetUp Campaign, which is working to have marriage discrimination removed in Australia, has released a video designed to do just that. The short video follows around a couple who go through all types of life events–together. After all, this is what marriage is about.

It’s not about the rights denied. It’s about the commitment between individuals, whether they are the same gender or not.

(video via Towleroad)

Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys: New Season

Those of you who read this blog regularly know how important a fruit fly is to a gay man. I’ve posted about them here and here.

Well, if you are fly without a fruit or anyone else who wonders just how the relationship between a gay man and a straight woman works, Logo’s new season of “Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys” debuts on November 18.

The show follows the lives of four fruit and fly relationships and all the love and drama that can accompany such a unique relationship.

I know our TiVo is set to record it!

Here’s the promo clip for season 2.
