Canadian Country Singer Comes Out in Music Video

Drake Jensen, a country singer from Canada, recently released a video titled “On My Way to Finding You.” In the video, Jensen comes out to his fans as a gay man since his co-star and love interest in the video is Jensen’s husband.

Jensen was inspired to do the video by the recent rash of gay teen suicides. He even dedicated the video to Jamie Huber, an Ottawan teen who committed suicide after being bullied.

Coming out isn’t easy for the average Joe, but for those who live in the limelight of celebrity, the process is even more daunting. Kudos to Jensen for making such a bold statement!


Marriage Equality Bill Passes Washington State Senate

Last night, the Washington State Senate passed the marriage equality bill, which will legalize gay marriage in the state, by a vote of 28-21, as reported by ThinkProgress. The measure now heads to the state’s House of Representatives, where it is expected to pass. Once that’s done, Governor Christine Gregoire has promised to sign the bill into law.

According to ThinkProgress, the governor had this to say about the bill’s passage:

Tonight the Washington State Senate stood up for what is right and told all families in our state that they are equal and that the state cannot be in the business of discrimination. I believe that this decision should be made by our state Legislature, and I’m proud our elected leaders recognized that responsibility.

Tonight our families are better for this vote. Our kids have a brighter future for this bill. And our state is better for this bill. I encourage the House to approve this bill and get it to my desk for my signature. I look forward to the day when all Washington citizens have equal opportunity to marry the person they love.”

Though it is likely the bill will be made into law, opponents of marriage equality still plan to get the required signatures to bring the measure before the voters. Still, this looks to be another victory on the road to true equality for all!

Washington State Senate to Vote on Marriage Equality

Later this evening, the Washington State Senate is scheduled to vote on the marriage equality bill recently passed by the state’s Senate Government Operations, Tribal Relations, and Elections Committee, as reported on Towleroad.

Based on a report by Reuter’s “proponents had secured the 25 votes needed for a simple majority in the 49-seat chamber.” This means that Washington could join New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Iowa as well as the District of Columbia in marriage equality.

If the measure passes, Washington State Governor Christine Gregorie has promised to sign the bill when it crosses her desk.

Even though the passage of the bill seems a done deal, opponents of the measure are planning a referendum to take the matter to the voting booths.