In Spain: Catholic Church Linked to Baby Trafficking

BBC News reported on a recently discovered scandal in Spain. Starting in the 1930’s and continuing on into the 1990’s, babies were often stolen at birth by nuns and priests working in hospitals and sold to wealthier, “more desirable” families.

Apparently, “The practice of removing children from parents deemed ‘undesirable’ and placing them with ‘approved’ families, began in the 1930s under the dictator General Francisco Franco. At that time, the motivation may have been ideological. But years later, it seemed to change – babies began to be taken from parents considered morally – or economically – deficient. It became a money-spinner, too…Nuns and priests compiled waiting lists of would-be adoptive parents, while doctors were said to have lied to mothers about the fate of their children.”

Soooooo, gay marriage is a threat to the family the Catholic Church has been spouting about, huh?

I haven’t heard about the Human Rights Campaign or the Metropolitan Community Church stealing babies from the families who created them! I guess the Catholic Church can’t say the same thing.

Not only were the priests and nuns in Spain stealing babies, but they also kept “a dead baby… in a freezer at the San Ramon clinic, supposedly to show mothers that their child had died.” I guess once a baby dies, some church leaders have little trouble desecrating the body of an innocent for their own selfish means. To make matters even worse, now that the scandal has been exposed, hundreds of exhumed graves reveal “empty coffins” or coffins filled with “adult remains.”

When you consider that the number of babies stolen surpasses 300,000, it makes you wonder exactly how fitting Catholic Church leaders are to decide who is moral or immoral.

Still, even with all this information, I know in my heart that the Catholic Church is not inherently bad. Misguided? Maybe. Bad? No. Those church leaders linked to these awful crimes are in no way a representation of the Catholic Church as a whole. We can’t declare the Catholic Church as a threat to the family based on the actions of a few individuals. To make such an argument would be ridiculous, illogical, and prejudiced.

No one group can be a threat to the family–not the Catholics and not even the homosexuals.

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