What Happened to Jacob Flores and His Blog From Gay to Z?

As you may know, I haven’t posted on my blog since March, and some of you might be wondering why. Well, here’s the skinny.

I’ve been working on getting my novel published that I began working on last year. Thankfully Dreamspinner Press has agreed to publish my book, which is slated for release in September. Obviously, I’m very excited about the opportunity. Right now, the book is in the editing/galley stage. Basically, that means an editor is currently scouring through the manuscript, looking for areas that I will need to address/fix, and a Dreamspinner artist is working on the cover. I can’t wait to see what the artist comes up with. When I get the final rendering of the cover, I will definitely be sharing.

If you’re wondering about the book, it’s tentatively titled 3, and is a m/m/m romance. Just what the hay is a m/m/m romance, you ask? It’s about a relationship between three men, hence the m/m/m, and if you think a relationship between two people (whether gay or straight) is complicated, adding another person to the mix quadruples the complication factor.

Here’s a tentative blurb for the book:

Justin loves Spencer, his partner of ten years, and would do anything to keep him, even burying intense feelings for another man. He never planned on falling in love with someone else, but last year, during a time of romantic upheaval and separation, he did. Now, the “other” man he fell in love with has been in a car accident. The news rouses his suppressed emotions as well as shatters his current relationship.

While Justin works to rebuild his life with the once carefree Spencer, he also feels responsible for Dutch’s injuries, inflicted by the car accident and their terminated affair. What Justin doesn’t know, however, is that Spencer and Dutch also have a secret, a past relationship that started as a friendship but quickly grew into something much more.

Can Justin make amends with the men in his life and forgive their sins? Will Spencer and Dutch absolve Justin or themselves? Or will their lies and betrayals prove that three is most definitely a crowd?

Told from all three men’s points of view, readers travel not only on a journey of discovery but also on a voyage through memory. These men find in their past and their present the events in their lives that ultimately led them to friendship and love, passion and betrayal, but more importantly to each other.

I’ve had some people ask: why switch to romance when your last book was dystopian gay fiction?

Well, the answer is quite simple. When I was making the rounds trying to get Moral Authority published, I was told by several publishers that the idea was great, but that my reading niche wanted books of happier fare and with more sex. Books without them didn’t sell well from new authors with no previous publishing success. Apparently, the combination of romance and sex pulls in the readership and brings in the sales, which is obviously extremely important to both publisher and author.

Well, I can do romance and sex–quite well, in my most humble opinion. But I had to find an angle, something that made my book different from others. I didn’t want to write the standard boy meets boy, boy falls in love with boy, boy screws up relationship with boy, boy and boy separate, and then boy and boy reunite.

I needed something meatier (if you pardon the pun), so when I was coming up for ideas for this new novel, my mind drifted to a trio that I know. (For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a trio is a committed relationship between three people.) I began to speculate how that relationship came about, and my rumination culminated in my novel 3.

It has romance and sex, but there’s more to it than candlelit dinners and between-the-sheets action. The novel explores the concept of a trio, which believe it or not, is becoming more common than you might think, and it delves into the deep psychological and emotional conflict such intense emotions churn to the surface.

I enjoyed writing this novel so much, I have already completed another manuscript. The new one is a m/m romance, but more paranormal than contemporary like 3. It explores Christian mythology and lore while the budding relationship ignites and weathers some dark waters. This new novel is tentatively titled The Gifted One, and is currently being reviewed by my friend and personal editor (and good luck charm) K. K was instrumental in 3 becoming published thanks to her eagle eye and hard-hitting but accurate criticism, so naturally I humbly asked K to look at this new manuscript, which I also plan to submit to Dreamspinner Press.

So as you can see, I’ve been pretty busy behind the scenes that something had to take a backseat. Since my family and full time paying job could never be placed on the back burner, the blog had to, but I’m back for now, and I hope you come back too.

See you in the blogosphere!


2 thoughts on “What Happened to Jacob Flores and His Blog From Gay to Z?

  1. The book sounds great! And on behalf of all readers, thank you for giving your characters really distinctive names instead of something like Justin, Jason, and Josh. 🙂

    • Thanks, B. I try not to use generic character names, especially in a m/m/m. Three J’s would definitely make it difficult to know who is who!

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